Paper Title Number 1
Journal Papers
G. Gur, P. Porambage, P. Porambage, C. de Alwis, Q.-V. Pham, Khac-Hoang Ngo, and M. Liyanage, “A survey on integration of ICN and MEC for efficient B5G realization,” submitted to Elsevier Computer Science Review, July 2021.
Khac-Hoang Ngo, S. Yang, M. Guillaud, and A. Decurninge, “Joint constellation design for the non-coherent MIMO multiple-access channel,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2020.
F. Zhang, Khac-Hoang Ngo, M. Guillaud, S. Yang, and A. Nosratinia, “Transmit correlation diversity: Generalization, new techniques, and improved bounds,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2020.
T.-T.-Q. Tran, L. V. Nguyen, Khac-Hoang Ngo, L.-T. Nguyen, Q.-T. Nguyen, N.-Q.-B. Vo, X.-N. Tran, E. Bastug, S. Azarian, M. Debbah, and P. Duhamel, “Network coding with multimedia transmission and cognitive networking: An implementation based on software-defined radio,” REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, 10, (3-4), 72–84, 2020, Invited Article.
Khac-Hoang Ngo, M. Guillaud, A. Decurninge, S. Yang, and P. Schniter, “Multi-user detection based on expectation propagation for the non-coherent SIMO multiple access channel,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 6145-6161, Sept. 2020. [arXiv]
Khac-Hoang Ngo, A. Decurninge, M. Guillaud, and S. Yang, “Cube-split: A structured Grassmannian constellation for non-coherent SIMO communications,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1948-1964, March 2020 [arXiv]
Khac-Hoang Ngo, S. Yang and M. Kobayashi, “Scalable Content Delivery With Coded Caching in Multi-Antenna Fading Channels,” in IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 548-562, Jan. 2018. [arXiv]